Count It! Lock It! Drop It!
- By ocadmin

Count It! Lock It! Drop It!
Prescription drug misuse is a prevalent and often fatal problem among youth and adults throughout Tennessee. Sixty-four percent of Tennesseans know someone who has become addicted to prescription pain medication*. Despite this alarming number, many individuals still think prescription medication addiction and misuse is a bigger risk for “other people,” and not their households.
When individuals do not properly use or store prescription medications, it creates an opportunity for drug misuse by Tennesseans of all ages.
Count It! Drop It! Lock It! ™ (CLD) is a community initiative supported by BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Health Foundation. CLD empowers and educates individuals on how they can help prevent prescription drug misuse by properly counting, locking or disposing of prescription medications.
The Obion County Prevention Coalition has Prescription Drug Lock Boxes available. For more information contact us at [email protected] .
© 2017 Count It! Lock It! Drop It! ™
is a trademark of the Coffee County Anti-Drug Coalition
(888) 422-4001 / Fax (931) 570-2361